"You're putting that grossness in there?" Andrew asked when he spied on me making dinner.
"They're not gross. I cut out the seeds, see? Here Rachel," she likes the seeds.
At dinner Andrew took a big plateful of salad. He really likes taco salad.
"Do I have to eat all the cucumbers?" he asked after he'd already dished up.
"All the ones on your plate, yes." I answered.
"Oh, man!"
Andrew went through and picked out all the cucumbers and suffered through them first. He didn't mention the tomatoes once. He even took seconds, being sure to avoid as many cucumbers as possible, but eating the tomatoes like a big boy.
"You didn't complain about the tomatoes," I noted.
"No, that's because cucumbers are grosser...hey! Did you put in two gross vegetables in so I'd eat the less gross ones?"
Well, it seems that he's figured me out. I've noticed that if I put onions and green peppers in something he'll pick out the green peppers and eat the onions. If I put tomatoes and broccoli in something he'll pick out the broccoli and eat the tomatoes. It's been one of my proven methods of getting some vegetables into that boy.
He could really use an extra serving or two of vegetables so we've decided to start our own little vegetable garden...on our kitchen counter.
We accidentally left half an onion out over night and when we woke up in the morning it had started to grow. I put it in a container of water, so we'll see what happens there.
The potato is from a bag of potatoes that we have had forever. Truthfully we've had them for about a year. They need to be planted in a garden or thrown away. For now they are adding to our beautiful counter garden.
All we need now is a carrot top or two and I think we'll be considered self-sufficient.