
Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Oh, Phoebe!

This morning Phoebe lingered in her pull-up. 

She has been particularly difficult to potty-train, as far as my kids have gone. Probably the second hardest kid (next to Benjamin, who wins the title of Moste Difficult, hands-down). During the day she's really pretty great, but she simply will not consider nighttime potty training.

Alexander was probably the easiest kid to potty train at night. I told him he needed to stay dry and he was like, "Got it. Consider it done."

That child has wet the bed twice. Like, from the moment I took him out of diapers. That's it. 

With the girls (and Benjamin) I would wake them up in the night to go potty around the time they would typically wet the bed so I could intercept them to take them potty before they wet the bed. For example, if they usually woke up at midnight...wet and sad...I would wake them up at 11:00 or 11:30 to take them potty. And then eventually they'd start waking up proactively to go potty at that time, so I'd stop waking them up to go potty. And then eventually they'd just...stop getting up to go potty.

(Oh, who are we kidding? They still regularly get up to go potty in the middle of the night when they need to (and sometimes when they're just bored of sleeping, I guess)).

For Benjamin we actually got a Chummie bedwetting alarm...perhaps it's time we pulled that out for Phoebe as well...and he just took ages to train through the night (and honestly...through the day, too). But he wasn't, like, actively against potty training. He simply...struggled.

Phoebe, on the other hand, does not want to potty train at night. 

She still frequently gets up in the night, and when she's still dry I will ask her to sit on the potty never goes well. She cries, she screams, she fusses. She hates it. And I have no idea why because peeing takes all of 10 seconds. Like, just pee and be done with it. But no! First she has to throw a fifteen minute tantrum. 

And forget waking her up to go pee. 

That yields even more disastrous results. 

Like, I was hesitant to start waking Zoë up to take her potty in the night because she was a dreadful sleeper. And a screamer. But she actually did okay with nighttime potty training. 

Phoebe does not do well with it. At all.

And so—at three years old—she is still in pull-ups at night. 

Something I swore I'd never buy. And never did. For any kid. Except for Phoebe.

And she was lingering in her pull-up this morning. I'd sent her to her room to fetch some underwear and clothes and instead she started playing and was just...marinating in her nighttime mess. 

She finally came back to me with her clothes and I started helping her out of her footie jammies (a complicated article of clothing for her to work out on her own). I pulled down her pull-up and discovered she had done an ooey-gooey poop in there!

This is her first time pooping in a pull-up ever so that was quite the shock to discover. 

"You pooped?!" I exclaimed. 

"What?" Phoebe asked, genuinely surprised herself. "I tooted."

"You pooped," I sighed.

"What?!" Phoebe howled, reaching back to pat her little bum...which had a pasty veneer of poop on it. "I POOPED?!!! I!?/! POOPED??!//?"

Phoebe does not like poop. She extra does not like having poop on her person. And now here it was—all over her hands!

She vomited (twice) while I was cleaning her up.

It was a doozy of a way to start the day!

1 comment:

  1. Very funny from over here! From your vantage point, not so much!
