
Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Pumpkins and Sweaters in January

In October, Jessica (who teaches in the primary, although she wasn't Phoebe's teacher) gave her class and Phoebe a pumpkin. Jessica always brings an extra [whatever] for Phoebe (she's very sweet like that, even if she judges my attachment to my cheap tupperware). 

Phoebe has insisted on being tucked into bed with that pumpkin ever since and every night we'd give the pumpkin a little squeeze to see if it was...starting know...turn. Finally the day arrived that its once-rigid exterior developed a bit of give to it, if you will. We knew something had to be done sooner rather than later. 

So we made a big deal about picking out the perfect orange on Sunday morning so that Mommy could make her a stuffed pumpkin to replace her real pumpkin (which we invited her to toss into the garden to see if any baby pumpkins will come of it). 

Here she is picking out her orange:

See how wrinkly this little guy is getting?

After some serious negotiation about various shades, Phoebe ended up picking two oranges and I got to work on her pumpkin while we watched the Joseph Smith movie.

We couldn't go to church because it was treacherous out there, see?

Anyway, while I was working on the pumpkin, Zoë was working on a scarf, and Rachel was working on a sweater for Zoë...which she finally finished (she's been working on it since about May). Here's Zoë modeling it after home church:

There's Benjamin behind her, giving her bunny ears

I finished up Phoebe's pumpkin a little later and took it down to the basement to show her. She was rather pleased with it and has been choosing to cuddle with it every night since then.

It really turned out pretty similar to the real pumpkin:

Here's another view of Zoë in her new sweater (which she has hardly taken off since Sunday), siting beside Rachel while we played Scram (I think has been our favourite new game from Christmas).

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