
Wednesday, January 01, 2025

The last shall be first and the first... (Or: Oh, Phoebe!, part II)

Phoebe woke up just before midnight and she was not happy about it, but we invited her downstairs to ring in the New Year with us anyway (even though we'd already done that with her earlier in the evening).

Here we are offering a toast to the New Year (Rachel and Miriam are at a dance with their friends, so there are only six of us celebrating 2025 together):

Phoebe guzzled down her sparkling cider...and then burped a big burp...and threw up!

Here is the face of an experienced father who has just been thrown up on (I cropped out most of her puddle, which landed on the table—you're welcome):

Calm, cool...completely unfazed.

Please note how Phoebe is holding onto his ear...for comfort. Poor dear. 

She started 2025 the same way she ended 2024—throwing up. So the question she sick? We don't think so. Not with a stomach bug, at any rate (our family has been passing along a doozy of a cold, though...and I think Phoebe and I have already had it...but the symptoms are morphing so I just can't be sure...but no one has had stomach symptoms). Phoebe just has a sensitive gag reflex.

(Fingers crossed).

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