
Monday, December 25, 2023

New do, who dis?

One thing Uncle Patrick wanted while he was here was a haircut from Miriam. She was a little nervous because she's only done buzz cuts on her dad, grandfather, and brothers, but Patrick wanted something a little fancier—a haircut with the top left long. I've been working on learning how to do such haircuts for my little boys who—unlike their father—don't like buzz cuts, so I helped a little and Patrick was helpful in walking Miriam through the process as well. 

Uncle Patrick ended up looking pretty spiffy!


Throughout the course of the day (today—Christmas) we called various family members to visit and wish one another Merry Christmas (as one does on Christmas). Aunt Sarah was released from prison this week, so we also got to call her. She hasn't seen any of us in five years or so, and my kids have done a lot of growing in that time, so Grandpa had me stand up with Rachel and Miriam on either side of me so that she could see how tall they've gotten.

"They're both taller than you, for sure!" I told Sarah. 

Then Grandpa said, "You think they've grown? Here's Benjamin!"

And he panned the camera over to where Patrick—6 foot, whatever, with a beard—was sitting at the table. Had Sarah been drinking a liquid, I'm sure she would have sprayed it out in surprise. It was quite the shock! Hahaha! 

But, no, Benjamin is not yet a lanky 6-foot-something man (though I can feel that day sneaking up on us (except, perhaps, for the 6 foot part; I'm really not so sure about that because Benjamin was such a tiny toddler and worked so hard to be an average-sized kid. Only puberty will tell.).

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