Believe me, he was, too.
At 7:00 am he had to give his Arabic 101 class their final which meant that he had to leave the house before 7:00. I didn't exactly wake up for that, but I did kick him out of bed when the alarm went off (aren't I considerate?). He went and got donuts and juice for his class (isn't he just a nice teacher?).
After he finally finished doing the oral section with everyone it was 10:45 and he had to run off to take his geography final. He breezed through that in an hour and a half and then headed off to work.
Meanwhile, back on the home front, Josie and Mom stopped by to see if I wanted to help them shop for a little girl they are "subbing" for Santa for. So I said yes and off we went to the BYU bookstore to take advantage of their 20% off sale and their free gift wrapping.
While we were there I got a present for Diana Gillespie. Her bridal shower was at 1:00 on Saturday.
After the shower I came home and...Andrew had left a gift for me. There was an instant message on my computer saying that I could open it before he got home, so I did. Inside was a book that he had put together of all the emails and letters we wrote each other during his mission and through the course of our engagement (no, you can't read it, thank you very much)!
It's called "Hypothetically Speaking..."
I opened it and I was like, "Wow! Where did he find a book with that title?" And then I read on and was like, "That's exactly what he said when he proposed to me!" And then I read a little further and was like, "Oh..." He made it...that explains a lot!
So I read that until he came home (just after 7:30 pm). It was fun to remember all the things we wrote to each other.
For dinner we went out to Quizno's...I know it isn't the most romantic place in the world. We were planning on going to either Olive Garden or Bombay House but at 8:00 pm I was starving and didn't feel like waiting for my food. Plus, we went to Quizno's in Cairo and it was really good. (Note to self: Quizno's is a lot better in Cairo than it is in Orem!)
We then went and rented a movie to watch together. We got 50 First Dates. I thought it was a very touching movie. I cried. Andrew laughed at me.
We found out yesterday that it played on TV last we didn't actually have to rent it. Oh, well.
All in all it was a good day. A little bit lonely, but not as lonely as today. Andrew had to be to work at 7:00 am again today. He worked from 7-2, and then had a final, and now he's working from 5:00 pm until 2:00 am. Lonely night for me. And him.
Hey Nanny
ReplyDeleteI love that movie 50 first Dates. I bawled in it too! I watched it by myself so Billy couldn't laugh at me! He laughs at me for crying at stupid stuff all the time. I even cry during comercials sometimes! Anyways, I know I don't always comment but I love your blogs and they make me laugh! Love, Abra
We went to Quizno's in Provo on our first date... :)