
Monday, December 04, 2006

It's a Small World Afterall

We met our new neighbours today. They are pretty cool. We brought them cookies so they decided to be our friends.

Technically we took Jeff the cookies. His wife, Brittany, and daughter weren't home yet.

They came over a bit later this evening to meet us. Brittany was like, "So, what high school did you guys go to?"

"Timpanogos." We say.

"What year did you graduate?" I asked.

Turning to her husband, "What year did you graduate?"

"2000." Said Jeff...I'm not positive that he went to our high school, but I'll check on that later.

"Oh," said Brittany, "2001."

"2002." Said Andrew.

"2003." I chimed in.

"Do you know Casey Greenland?" asked Brittany.

"Yes," Andrew and I replied, and right before I was about to tell her that he's on a mission she said,

"Oh, he's my brother."

Okay, well, Andrew and Casey were like best buddies in high school. Jeff and Brittany turned to each other and were like, "That's why you looked so familiar."

Did I mention that Ryan Alder's sister lived in our condo before us and his grandparents live in our ward?

It gets better though. Our downstairs neighbours are also connected to us. I went to school with a girl named Sarah Wald, and she has a sister named Becca, who Sarah is really good friends with. Their sister, Emi, lives downstairs with her husband and boys.

Yeah, it's a small world.

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